For construction companies, tracking employee time is essential for payroll, job costing, compliance, and more. While paper time cards were once the norm, technology has enabled major improvements in time tracking. Read on to learn what comprises a modern timecard system and how solutions like ExakTime are transforming workflows.

The Basics of a Time Card

At its core, a time card documents employee work hours for payroll and billing purposes. Traditional paper time cards provide fields to capture basic information like employee name, date, times clocked in/out, total hours worked, job/project codes, and supervisor approval.

However, paper time cards have many downsides. Employees often forget to clock in/out or make errors in data entry. And for managers, collecting and interpreting handwritten cards takes up significant time.

Thankfully, technology has enabled easier and more powerful time-tracking capabilities. Modern digital timecards can offer features like GPS, photo identification, and geofencing. This automates processes and provides oversight for when and where work is happening.

How Technology Has Improved Traditional Timecards

In the past, managers dealt with time-consuming, error-prone paper timecards. Now, digital time-tracking software provides many advantages over traditional manual processes.

Real-time visibility is one major improvement. With automatic time cards, managers can instantly see who is clocked in and view their locations on a map. This level of insight wasn’t possible with paper time cards.

GPS tracking of employee locations also helps provide oversight on where work is happening. Photo identification built into time clock apps assists with preventing buddy punching issues.

Validation features like geofencing further improve accuracy. Employees can only clock in when physically present at an approved job site. Any discrepancies are automatically flagged.

Digital timecard systems can also offer built-in scheduling and communication tools,  allowing managers to better align labor resources across both crews and projects.

The ability to add photos, notes, and equipment logging right from the field is another game changer. No longer do field teams need to scramble to record information on paper.

Convenience factors like web and mobile access enable employees to enter data from any location via time card apps. Paper timecards made it cumbersome for teams to accurately report working hours from multiple sites.

Finally, seamless integrations avoid duplicate work. Data flows from digital timecards directly into payroll, accounting, ERP, and other systems.

By switching to digital time cards, managers gain more control, accuracy, and insights while reducing administrative workload. It’s a clear win for both employees and managers alike.

The Role of Time Cards in Construction Project Management

For contractors, timecards provide invaluable data that feeds into core project management disciplines.

Accurate per-project working hours enable precise labor calculations. This gives managers the foundation for realistic job costing, which then informs future estimates.

Payroll accuracy improves dramatically when actual work hours drive pay. Errors from faulty data are eliminated, ensuring employees receive proper compensation.

Timecards also play a critical compliance role. Details like prevailing wage and certified payroll can be validated, avoiding violations that lead to fines.

At a broader level, timecard details help optimize workforce planning. When managers can analyze working hours by employee and job, they gain insights into the best labor allocation.

Digital time cards even facilitate change management. If a project creeps over budget, comprehensive employee time tracking data allows managers to pinpoint exactly where resources were overspent.

Plus, from an accounting perspective, seamless timecard integrations populate accounting software with critical job and cost details. No more manual entry.

With time tracking and attendance software built for construction’s unique needs like ExakTime, contractors benefit tremendously across all facets of project management.

How Time Card Systems Integrate with Project Management Systems

Leading timecard systems eliminate duplicative data entry through deep integrations with construction project management software.

Rather than recreating existing employee profile information in both systems, integrations automatically transfer data like names, IDs, roles, and contact details. Updates made in one system sync over to the other.

The passage of time clock events is another area optimized by integration. When an employee clocks in or out on a timecard, that event flows instantly over to the project management solution rather than needing manual re-entry.

Managers also benefit from combined reporting and dashboards across time, attendance, leave, and scheduling. This unified perspective is only possible through tight integration.

For the best experience, look for timecard systems like ExakTime with open API and pre-built connectors that simplify integration across your HR tech ecosystem.

About ExakTime

ExakTime is designed specifically to meet the time tracking needs of construction firms. The software automates manual processes while incorporating field oversight tools. Integrations with existing systems enable seamless data flow to payroll, job costing, and other critical areas. ExakTime provides optimized digital timecards for contractors. Learn more and view a demo at

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some Key Features of Digital Timecards?

Digital timecards offer conveniences like mobile access, geofencing, photo ID, GPS tracking, equipment logging, shift management, and more. This automates manual processes and provides oversight.

What Are the Benefits of Automating Time Tracking?

Automating timecards boosts payroll accuracy, improves job cost data, ensures compliance, and delivers real-time visibility into labor. It also eliminates manual processes.

Can I Integrate Timecards With My Existing HR Systems?

Yes, leading solutions offer pre-built integrations and interfaces with other construction solutions, including ERP, accounting, and HR systems.